Sunday, December 19, 2010

Birthday Party Weekend

Wow! A whole weekend that was all about me! I turn the big 0-1 next week, but since we'll be out of town, Mommy decided to celebrate a week early. To commemorate the event, I took my first real steps all by myself. I was so excited to see Gong-Gong the night he arrived, I went back and forth between him and Mommy to give them hugs of happiness. Here's a little peek of my first steps the next morning proving that the milestone actually stuck.

It's my birthday celebration weekend!

The theme for my party: balls!

While Mommy and Claire were at the Ice! show, I got to spend some quality time with Po-Po and Gong-Gong

Quality Po-Po-held naptime

Dressed up in Claire's clothes ... and accessory

The morning of my party, we had lots to get ready in the morning before my friends came over.

Oh, Gong-Gong, you're so funny.

Here's a ball to share with my friends!

Grabbing some chow before the festivities

See a theme in the shape of the food?

Check out my special, special cake made by Jacob's mommy!

We played, we ate, we had cake. Thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes!

Nom, nom, nom

Blow what candle?

My very own smash cake!

I believe the term is "herding cats"

That's me!

George Shu-Shu and Cousin James stayed through the rest of the weekend to play. We went to my friend Grace's holiday party and had some all-around fun to round out a perfect birthday (party) weekend!


Using my new walking skills to try and keep up with the big kids

Take a look at all the pictures in our December album including more from my birthday party weekend!

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