After we got back from the holidays, Mommy was excited to take me to my one-year well baby. She sort of already knew I would measure small, but she was curious to see by how much. My stats?
Height: 29 inches - 25%
Weight: 17.6 lbs - less than 3%
Head: 17.5 inches - 10%
The doctor said that I'm definitely following a curve and there's nothing to be concerned about. I'll probably just have some growing pains as I get older from catching up. Until then, he said I'm welcome to try fish, eggs, pb, honey, shellfish (if I hadn't already). Since Claire's not doing nuts, I doubt that's going to come up anytime soon, but I am looking forward to getting my hands on everything I see on the kitchen table!
I'm not yet 20 lbs, so no turning around in the carseat for me yet. Although, I hear there's a new rule that babies should wait until they're 2 to face forward. Either way, Mommy and Daddy are just fine with me in my carrier since it makes me easy to tote around, and I don't really know the difference anyways.
Post-doctor playtime. I'm almost as big as Claire, right?