Sunday, October 31, 2010

My First Halloween

From the very beginning, I would make little squealing and mewling noises, and Mommy has always called me her "little panda", so Mommy knew pretty early on what costume she was going to get me for my very first Halloween. The hardest thing was making sure Claire didn't claim it as her own! Unfortunately I had roseola the weekend before Halloween -- the super high fever, the spots, the whole she-bang - so I missed out on a couple of events, but I did get to show off at least once at Claire's playgroup party.

Ready to par-tay

The panda, the cow, and the dog
So nice that we all get along

Mommy chose this for me

Me and my sis at her playgroup party

A rare family shot

My class at school didn't participate in the costume parade at school, but we did get in our finest orange and black to show our support.

Hey, Mom! What are you doing at school?

Me and Noelle. She was born on Christmas Day, too!

Where are the shots of trick-or-treating on Halloween? Well, I skipped my nap, so I spent the entire time sleeping in my Ergo. But I did wake up in time to check out all the loot Claire got!


So that's Halloween, huh? Can't wait until I can participate in it more next year! Check out more pics in our October album!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


We've been up to some other stuff in October. Here are just a few:

Played twister at the mall playground

Checked out the ladybug, too

Getting adventurous in the fast food playareas

Can't wait until I can play at Chuck E. Cheese!

Pulling up on anything/everything

Crawling and sneaking off, too

Enjoyed the last days of warm weather at the park

More sun, more park, more fun

Suddenly, the cold is here

Whoa! It's already here at the end of the month!

Just a little taste of the goings-on. Find more in our October album!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Austin Trip

I am no longer the baby of the family! We went down to Austin to meet the newest Pee - Baby Tessa. The bonus was visiting Xiao-Jiu, Crystal A-Yi, and Kirby one day, and then getting to see Cousin James, Baby Tessa, George Shu-Shu, and Auntie Christina the next. The extra-bonus was that Auntie Daphne and Uncle Drew were in town, plus Ye-Ye and Nai-Nai were there, too! That's a whole lotta Pees in one place!

We stopped to eat and play on the way down, then headed to Xiao-Jiu and Crystal A-Yi's to play. Besides enjoying the dog park, we went for a walk, played some crazy monkey game at home, and bugged poor Kirby. My favorite may have been checking myself out in their full-length mirrors.

I love me my french fries!

Why, hello, handsome!

The next morning we went over to George Shu-Shu's house where all of the Pees were gathered. We got in some playtime, some yummy breakfast tacos and fruit, loving from grandparents, aunties, and uncles, and then it was time to go!

Have we met?

Peek-a-boo! I see you!

One for each

Not so easy when it's two for each daddy!

I was a little bit of trouble on the way home. Have YOU ever had to sit there for hours staring at the bench seat of a car? Not fun. But once I settled down, I took a nice long nap until we got home.

Fun weekend, hooray! We managed to sneak in a few more pictures from the weekend in our full October album if you want to check them out.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

If You're Happy and You Know It ...

In the span of about two weeks, I've gone from just waving hello/bye-bye to clapping my hands (especially to "If You're Happy and You Know It" ... or if I hear you say the word "clap" in passing), saying "Hurray!" with my arms, and blowing kisses. The clapping has been so ingrained into me that one night, while I was sleeping, Claire's iPhone game had some cheering and I started clapping in my sleep! I'll also play peek-a-boo if you ask, "where's Gavin?"; you should try it sometime.

Speaking of kisses. You want one?

Other milstones right now? Well, you know about how I love to eat. My teachers at school have also seen how I'm tired of babyfood and have started giving me school food. On 10/5, my note for the day was "he is a slow eater but loves to feed himself". Yeah, that sounds about right. :)

You don't hurry perfection

I'm proving to be quite the mountain goat (I must come from the same herd as my friend Lily), so you definitely need to keep an eye on my as I try to move vertically!

Darn, caught again

Mommy is amazed at how fast I'm learning and how much more I'm playing with my big sister. We're quite the pair, the two of us.

Never know what we're gonna do next

Check out other pics of October adventures in our photo album.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First Arboretum Fall Festival

I got to attend the Fall Festival at the Arboretum this year for the first time. I do have to say, it was quite fun.

Fall, huh? New season for me.

As if I didn't have size issues already

I was a spectator most of the time, but I did enjoy the crackers (caterpillars on sticks ... oh, I mean squeezy chees on crackers). Mommy did let me crawl around some and check out the hay. I tried to climb over the bales, but I guess I'll just have to wait until next year!

Auntie Diana says this is me as a pirate. Haha.

I'm going to get over this thing, just watch

Okay, fine. Next year, then.

Hooray for the Arboretum!

Check out the other pics that Mommy got on our Arboretum outing!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

San Antonio Trip

Mommy and Daddy took me on my first "Law Family Vacation" -- San Antonio, TX. Even though San Antonio is pretty close to Dallas, they were a little wary of risking the drive (I'm not exactly the most patient passenger right now), so we took a short flight down the street.

Are we there yet? Oh, we haven't even left?!

Checking out the planes

Once in San Antonio, we quickly checked out the resort. They had a playground, a beach, and multple pools! Mommy and Daddy appreciated all the extra hands Po-Po and Gong-Gong had to offer, and I definitely enjoyed the spoiling as well.


Group sliding

Getting a first-class nap dance

Looks like it worked!

Just a quick dip

Mommy had decided to space out the outings (back to that "patient passenger" business) and alternate doing things near/far/near/far during the week. Our first "far"-ther trip was to the San Antonio zoo. I enjoyed sitting in the stroller with my big sister and seeing all the different animals. I especially liked this zebra/giraffe thing that got real close, and the nap I got at the end on top of the stroller canopy wasn't too shabby either. :)

Ready! Did you remember your hat, Gong-Gong?

Family pride

In the stroller

Then ON the stroller

The next day, Lily's family arrived, so we showed them the beach and all the fun things that we had discovered so far.

Something's not quite right

So bright out here!

Sharing a little snack with Lily

Halfway through the visit, Mommy and Daddy took Claire to a special outing while I had some quiet time at home with Po-Po and Gong-Gong. Then, Da-Jiu arrived to play with us, and we took advantage of the great weather at the beach again.

Hey, I know you!

Kisses from Mommy

Fair exchange for a drink

Share, share please

Tasting the sand

A mistake you (hopefully) only make once. Taste test FAIL

Chillin' on the river

Our last big outing was to Sea World. There were lots of animals to see and shows to watch, and then Xiao-Jiu and Crystal A-Yi came to visit for a night to really complete the trip.

Po-Po gives the best naps. She'll hold me for hours!

It's a kangaroo ... no, wait, that's me!

Shamu, who?

What a fun outing!

Just like that, it was time to go. We packed up all our stuff, made a quick trip to Mommy's Buo-Mu's house to say hello, and then it was off to Dallas!


Da boys


Can I see your glasses?


You can see lots more pics from the trip in our San Antonio album!