Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June Was...Daycare

A big event for me was starting daycare. Originally, I was going to start after July 4th but decided to start early when Mommy thought she was going to go part-time in June. Since we had already told my grandparents, we decided not to rock the boat and just go with the date. Mommy may have shed a few small tears the day I was dropped off, but she was quickly comforted when she realized how wonderful my teachers are.

My very first day, I slept well in my crib (and in Ms. Mitchell's arms) and even took a whole bottle! The pattern didn't hold, however, so the teachers got creative -- they fed me with a cup and I'm now known to "eat" my milk with cereal instead of drinking it.

It's wonderful having such loving people take care of me. I'll be moving up soon to the older infants class, but I'll definitely miss all of the love I've been getting here in this room.

There may be some more pictures of me at school in our June photo album if you want to check it out!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

June Was...Indoor Fun

Sitting up has really given me a new perspective on things. So much to see! Too bad you still have to prop me up, but I'll be sitting up by myself soon. Until then, I'm pretty good at navigating my way around the room by turning on my belly and dragging myself with my hands.

Not So Fun ... Getting Sick
The week before I started daycare, I got a bad cold. So bad, in fact, even Nai-Nai got it and had to nurse it when she got home to Houston! I was introduced to John Bunn, our nebulizer, which I didn't love but didn't fight that much either. Originally it was Mommy giving me the treatments, but then we found that it worked pretty well when Daddy held me and Mommy danced in front of me instead.

Now that I'm sitting up, I get to take baths with Claire. It saves Mommy and Daddy time in the evenings (what the Davises call "fiasco time"), and is actually an incentive to get Claire into the bathtub. Mommy keeps me upright by holding me between her feet.

Eating Solids
Food is mmm, mmm, good! I love sitting in the big(ger) kids chair, using a sippy cup, and -- most recently -- miniscule pieces of grape that I can't pick up by myself. Claire likes to showoff her food sometimes, and I get a little bit of food envy, but I know my time is coming for even more!

My Toes!
So I found something interesting this month ... there are these little piggies attached to my feet! They taste pretty good, and I laugh when you tickle them.

Toys, Toys, Toys
I have toys ... lot of them. I've got exersaucers, jumperoos, floor toys, and -- of course -- my big sister. I'm pretty easy to please, and I can be left to play by myself really well, but I love being in the mix with everyone else even if I'm just watching.

Feel free to check me out having more fun in our June photo album online.

June Was...Outdoor Fun

I've been outside some, but Mommy tries not to keep me out for too long since I'm a head sweater ... and like to eat grass.

The backyard is good because I can watch everything going on but relax in Mommy's arms or the rocker.

Went swimming in a normal diaper. You would not believe how much fluid the diaper held! Mommy is very impressed by the absorbancy of the Pampers Swaddlers ... that thing swoll up to almost popping!

Yup, more pictures in the June photo album.

June Was...Father Fun

June's a big month for our family. Yes, it's my half-birthday, but more importantly, it's Daddy's birthday and Father's Day as well. As a surprise, I even started saying "BaBa" just in time for Father's Day!

Daddy's 36th Birthday
We celebated Daddy's 36th birthday with a fruit bouquet that was pretty but I couldn't eat (of course I tried).

Dress Like Your Daddy Day
The Friday before Father's Day was "Dress Like Your Daddy" day at school. Mommy put me in a polo shirt and khakki pants which is more something Daddy would have worn a few years ago more than now, but it did make me look like a little man.

My First Father's Day
For my first Father's Day, we got Daddy lots of stuff to cook with ... in preparation for me to eat all my solids, I'm sure. Claire and I even created an apron for Daddy together! I also gave Daddy a little work of art that my teacher created with me at school. What a wonderful keepsake!

See us having more fun with Daddy in our June photo album.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Six-Month Well-Baby

I had my six-month well-baby visit, and the summary is that I'm healthy but small. Dr. Frank was impressed by my scooching and sitting and warned Mommy that I may walk at an earlier age since I don't have as much weight to lug around.

My stats:

- Height: 25.5 inches (25%)
- Weight: 14.8 pounds (10%)
- Head: 16.25 (5%)

I get to start strained meats and finger goods which is very exciting because I'm more than ready to get it started. I'm constantly trying to reach for foods and will put it in my mouth if you let me.