A big event for me was starting daycare. Originally, I was going to start after July 4th but decided to start early when Mommy thought she was going to go part-time in June. Since we had already told my grandparents, we decided not to rock the boat and just go with the date. Mommy may have shed a few small tears the day I was dropped off, but she was quickly comforted when she realized how wonderful my teachers are.
My very first day, I slept well in my crib (and in Ms. Mitchell's arms) and even took a whole bottle! The pattern didn't hold, however, so the teachers got creative -- they fed me with a cup and I'm now known to "eat" my milk with cereal instead of drinking it.
It's wonderful having such loving people take care of me. I'll be moving up soon to the older infants class, but I'll definitely miss all of the love I've been getting here in this room.
There may be some more pictures of me at school in our June photo album if you want to check it out!
12 years ago