Thursday, April 29, 2010

4-Month Well-Baby

I had my 4-Month Well-Baby today, and apparently I'm not a huge baby. Here are my stats:

  • Height: 24.75 inches (50%)
  • Weight: 13.7 lbs (25%)
  • Head: 15.5 inches (5%)

The PEE-nut head reigns supreme! I'm a little bit smaller than my big sister Claire at her 4-month, but I'm healthy!

Dr. Frank said it's okay that I'm still not taking the bottle or eating much during the day as long as I continue to grow and I'm eating well at night. And I am!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April Was...Grandparents

In order to postpone going to daycare, Mommy and Daddy's parents have offerd to help watch me until I'm 6 months old. It was also a wonderful time to bond with my grandparents that I don't get to see as often as I would like. They quickly adjusted to my not taking bottles (Po-Po decided to feed me from a cup instead) as well as got to know my personality well. Thank you so much for taking suc wonderful care of me!

Po-Po and Gong-Gong
Po-Po and Gong-Gong took us on a couple of outings plus lots of snuggle time.

Nai-Nai and Ye-Ye
Nai-Nai and Ye-Ye stayed longer (3 weeks instead of just 1), so they became a close part of our everyday activities.

More family bonding online!

April Was...Parties, Festivals, and Zzzzz

Our family has been busy doing lots of fun things together. Every weekend there's something new!

Emily's Birthday
Emily had a birthday party, so we went to wish her well. The party -- Princess and the Frog-themed -- was a huge hit. My big sister even made a magic potion bottle that I got to hold.

Grant's Birthday
Claire's friend Grant turned 2, so we went to his fun birthday party. Even though Claire may be Grant's friend, in just a few months, you'll probably start seeing pictures of me playing with Reed, Grant's little brother.

Zzzzz ....
I'm sill sleeping with Mommy at night, and Claire gets in on the action sometimes. Imagine 4 in a bed; we're one big happy family!

Thanks for visiting my site! Please feel free to check out more April picture online!

April Was...Easter

I got to attend my first Easter activities. We went with Jacob to his school's egg hunt as well as had some friends over to our place. This year was mostly just hanging out and going along for the ride. Next year? Watch out!

More April pics in our April album online.

April Was...Growing, Rolling, and Exercising

I'm definitely a happy baby as well as patient, easy-going, and smiley. I still squeal like a panda and jibber-jabber quite a bit. I was introduced to the Exersaucer, the jumper, and the big kid umbrella stroller this month, all of which I love. Everyone's really surprised how much time I can spend on my tummy or just playing. Although, one downside is my newfound interest in these activities means there's also a renewed sense of interest on my big sisters part, so sometimes we end up wanting to play with the same things. Here are some shots of me in action.

Tummy Time
Since I've always had pretty good neck control, I actually really enjoy tummy time. The better to see you with, my dears!

The exersaucer was taken out so that I could be placed somewhere safely. I immediately found the same star springs that Claire did when she got it, but I quickly moved on to putting things into my mouth. The only downside is the electronic items (the rainbow and the music player) don't seem to work anymore, but what I don't know I can't miss, right?

I recently found the top of my head ... and then scratched it. I wasn't in any pain, but Mommy wasn't too happy about it.

Big-Kid Stroller
Our family has a lot of strollers -- big ones, little ones, heavy ones, expensive ones, free ones, light ones, single riders, double seats -- and one of our favorite happens to be the free one from BRUs. Go fig. Luckily, we own both a pink and blue one, so there shouldn't be too much fighting in the future because there's enough for all of us!

If I see something I want, don't be surprised to see my hand shoot out to reach for it. I haven't perfected actually grabbing it the first time, but I'm getting there.

What can I say? I'm a smiley kid. I'm also ticklish and will giggle if you tickle my tummy which Mommy likes to do with her nose when she's changing me. Hehe!

I know you're hoping to see more pictures, so please visit my April album online!