Sunday, March 21, 2010

My 1st Arboretum Trip and 3-Months Old

I went to the Arboretum for the first time (outside of Mommy's tummy, that is). The weather was beautiful, and I behaved myself pretty well so that Mommy could concentrate on chasing my crazy big sister around. She did have to leave me in the stroller a time or two to skeddadle after Jie-Jie; what in the world is she going to do when we're BOTH mobile?! :)

Claire's pushing me through the park

Here to see flowers. Got it.

After walking through the Arboretum some, we stopped and I was let out of the stroller to get my Vitamin D.

This crazy hat again

Claire wore these pants when she went to the Arboretum the first time

All this laying around; just wait until next year!

There's a whole album just for the Arboretum pics; it's a great place to see lots of ... well, Claire and Jacob. :)

We helped Mommy celebrate with a fun day at home. Claire and I spent some time in the backyard, and then the Lily and her family came over for pizza and cake.

Not sure if it's hot or cold, but it's definitely sunny

CEO ... that's me

I'm also 12 weeks old now. Mommy's getting ready to go back to work because her FMLA time is up, and she's not keen to see her baby (that's me!) grow up too quickly. I've officially moved out of my 0-3 month clothes and am sporting the 3-6 month duds that Mommy washed this weekend. Mommy finally figured out why so many of Claire's littest clothes were so clean ... because she never wore most of them! I'm still in size 1 diapers for now, but we'll see how long that lasts.

Okay, she's still a little bit taller than me

But I'm the big kahuna


I still haven't really taken to the bottle yet, so the next few days with Ye-Ye and Nai-Nai should be interesting as they figure out what's going to work for me. I apologize in advance and promise that you that it's not you, it's me.

I'll try not to be TOO much trouble

I'm drooling a TON right now which leads everyone to believe that I'm going to be an early teether like my sister, and I'm definitely a big jibber-jabber-er. I can spend many a minute just conversing with you back and forth.

Whoa, you scared me!

So on to the next three months of my grandparents coming up to help watch me until I'm six months and start day care. The next grand adventure begins!

Bring it on

You can see more pics in the March album!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My First Trip - Houston, TX

Went on my first trip this week; it was to Houston where Mommy and Daddy grew up. Watching Mommy pack for the trip was interesting. How can someone so small (and cute!) as me need so much stuff?!

Mommy planned the flight down to Houston around our naptimes with an hour on each side to spare. Unfortunately, the flight was more than an hour late, so I woke up from my long nap just as we were boarding the plane. Whoops. Good thing we were next to a very nice grandfather who was more than happy to hold me when I got fussy while Mommy dealt with Claire. Mommy gives me an A- for the flight, though I would have gotten an A+++ if the flight had left on time!

I'm up! Now what?

We spent lots of time outdoors during the trip because the weather was gorgeous. Taking me outside is one of the quickest ways to distract me if I'm having a fit, and I really liked the fountain in the spa as well as watching my big sister run around like a crazy lady.

So serene, so tranquil

Happy to be outside

That first night was sort of a mess. I have not been away from Mommy in the evenings yet, and I KNEW that she wasn't there. I didn't want the bottle, I didn't want to be held, I just wanted my Mommy! Luckily she came home just as chaos was about the erupt, and the three of us settled in for a good night's sleep.

Always in a great mood when I wake up

All these chairs, yet it's better when we pile together

What are we going to do today?

We decided to head down to the Kemah Boardwalk one day. After lunch, we headed for the rides, which I actually got to go on this time instead of just watching from the side. I did my usual -- yes, sleep. It's sort of hit or miss whether I need to be held or not, but it's pretty consistent that I like to sleep. Also consistent is waking up just as Claire falls asleep for her nap. It keeps things interesting for Mommy. :)

Alternated between sleeping and eating at lunch.

My first merry-go-round ride.

On the tall spinning thing

On the train (see the pattern?)

What'd I miss?

Went to the park one morning before we had visitors -- Nai-Nai, Ye-Ye, and some of Mommy's childhood friends. Da-Jiu also came home which was a huge help for Mommy since Claire loves him so much. And then when Crystal A-Yi, Kirby, and Xiao-Jiu came home? Forget it; she was done with us.

Claire makes me laugh

Um, we're going to ride what?

I'm like an accessory for Mommy

Don't worry, I still got in my tummy time

Got a long nap in when Claire went to play with Charlie and Jacob. I actually spend a lot of time just following around my big sis and her activities; I can't wait until I can do some of those things, too!

I'm the one on the floor

It was good to see Auntie Syndee again

Mommy's gotten good at feeding me in public

We celebrated Mommy's birthday while we were in Houston, too. Then we enjoyed the nice weather 'til Wade and Alex came to visit. They were very good holding me, and I can't wait until I'm big enough to run around with them. Mommy thinks they're so sweet and hopes that I get my manners from them.

Here I am eyeing the cake.
I wonder what I have to do to get me some of that?

Yeah, yeah, I know. I have squishable cheeks.

Do YOU think my head is going to burn?

Me and Wade. So comfy, I fell asleep.

Me and Alex. Us younger brothers gotta stick together.

And then we went home! I got my A+++ on the way home; slept the whole way. Overall, the trip was fun, and I can't wait to go back.

You should check out a lot more pics from the trip and read Claire and Mommy's versions, too!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

And They All Rolled Over...

Guess what I did today? Yup, rolled on over from my belly to my back. I've pretty much mastered tummy time and decided to change up the view, so I just tipped right on over to the side to check out the ceiling instead. Mommy was so surprised, she just stared at me ... and then promptly made me do it again ... and again ... and then put me on the floor (I was previously hanging out on the bed with Mommy) to make it harder to see if I could do it again. Yup! So, "they all rolled over", but no one will fall out because I'm going to have to be blocked in all the time!

Whoa! (for the 10th time)

I promise I've got this down

What was all that cheering about?

I haven't really tried going from my back to belly -- I mean, why would you do that? Wait long enough and someone will stick you on your stomach whether you like it or not -- but I'm getting pretty good at turning to my side in bed.

Sleeping like this makes me feel warm and snuggly

Went to Gattitown with Claire and Kaylie after storytime. Mostly I just hung out in the stroller and held onto my Wubbanub. It wasn't busy at all, which was good since Mommy hasn't really introduced me to many bottles.

Not sure these straps are right, but they help me hold on

Trying out various fingers

Also went to a playgroup. Since I'm a good baby, I just hung out in my carrier sleeping most of the time, and then Benjamin's mommy rescued me and held me outside.

Enjoying the company and fresh air.

I've been to a few other things -- parties and such -- mostly because of my big sister's busy social calendar. You can see lots of pics from those activities in our March album.

P.S. Oh, yeah. Where am I sleeping at night? Most of the early night, I start out in my own bed (the "box" in the bassinet) but move to Mommy's bed when it's feeding time(s). I'm a good sleeper, so we've got it worked out where I eat and sleep and she sleeps and feeds. Happiness.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

2-Month Well-Baby

Claire and I had our well-baby visits today; her belated 2-year and my 2-month. She went first, and then I was laid out on the table. My numbers:
  • Height: 23.75 inches (70%)
  • Weight: 11 lbs 8oz (50%)
  • Head: 14.75 inches (10%)
I guess the peanut-head Pees will continue to run in our family (this line of it anyways). What's interesting is that Claire's head was the exact same size at her 2-month, but her percentage was 20%. Hmmm ... I wonder if it's different for boys than girls. As for the rest, I guess the reason why people always declare what a big baby I am is because I'm long? Or maybe it's the chipmunk cheeks. :)

Yes, I realize the bear will always be smaller.
Question is, how MUCH smaller?

After checking me out (everything looked great), Dr. Frank had rolled me onto my tummy and was just telling Mommy and Daddy how in the next 2 months I should start lifting my head and looking around and ... "oh!", he remarked when he saw me gazing around. "Boys do often hit their physical milestones more quickly". Freakishly strong neck, I'm telling you!

More on heads, the last few days Mommy has been forcing me to look towards the left more because she thinks I favor looking to the right. Whenever she holds me upright, I want to owl-turn my head to the right to look around. Well, Dr. Frank confirmed that my head's shape favors one side more but probably won't need a helmet as long as they continue to alternate how they hold me (right-handers naturally favor their left arms so that their stronger arm is free to do stuff), roll-up a blanket to tilt me when I sleep, and stretch my neck to the left more as exercise. Sheepishly, Mommy also realized that she'll need to turn the direction I face in the Ergo since I spend so much time in there when she's chasing Claire around. Guess I'll be getting a new view soon!

When it came time for shots, the nurse asked whether to have me or my big sis go first. My parents decided her, which was probably a good idea because I had no idea what was going on when it was my turn, and my "ouch! that hurt!" exclamation was enough to distract Claire from her boo-boo and stopped her crying.

Am I any taller if I stretch my arm up like this?

Our March photo album has been posted, so make sure you visit it often for new pictures!